Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Grounding Experiences

It's been a perfect 70-80 degrees outside, the grass is green, and the flowers are in full blooom.  The trees and the light wind create a shadey breeze with a little bit of sunshine peeking through the leaves in the front yard.  The last couple months my calmest moments have been drinking coffee on the front porch while enjoying the scenery that God has given me.
Source of Pic
We need these grounding experiences each day to help us become aware of our current feelings about important matters in our life and to have clarity of mind when making significant decisions throughout the day.  Moments like these brings the pulse rate down so the body can rest and haults the racing thoughts so the mind can be at ease.

In Counseling Today I read an article on how counselors can help others work through difficult times. The author said to "Use grounding techniques to help clients stabilize. For example, Webber says, ask clients to name five non-distressing objects they can see, five non-distressing objects they can hear and five non-distressing objects they can touch. Integrate this exercise with deep breathing" (Lynne Shallcross 2010).  The article also suggests that one should be in the practice of performing these exercisis daily not just when there is a crisis situation as to keep the individual grounded in reality (Counseling Today).

For me on some days it's the front porch, but other days it's working in the yard (some call this "dirt therapy").  Find time in your day that you can take in a similar moment.  Think about what you enjoy seeing, touching, or listening to and take a short time out of your day to become grounded.

Tony Nichols

I enjoy helping others experience joy and peace in their life!

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