Saturday, August 16, 2014

Journey- Nine More Months!!

It's been a while since I have posted anything.  This summer I was able to take a deep breath and relax a little from school.  It felt really good!  Camping trips, long family walks, a wedding in KS, a romantic summer night in Chicago at a play, and time at the park and playing in the yard with the kiddos have been wonderful.  I began my educational journey in August of 1986 as a Kindergartner in Avon, IN.  I will be ending that journey this year at LCU in Lincoln, IL in May of 2015.  God willing, this will be my last year!  Fortunately, I just need to complete a two-semester internship and one more class for licensure.  I love setting and meeting goals!  It has taken a lot of dedication and sacrifice to keep the target in site; props to my wife for putting up with me and a very chaotic schedule!  My prayers and positive self-talk will be screaming this year's motto: Nine more months-we can do it!!! 

It's nearly time to start working on new goals.  During that latter half of my educational journey, I also began building an awesome family to share my life with.  I actually like these people that I'm sharing a roof with.  Which is why my goals for the next era of my life include becoming a more enjoyable and involved family man, strive to be a more successful counselor, and having more fun- like this summer.  I'm also lucky to have great co-workers which helps encourage the "more successful counselor" part tremendously.  Hopefully, I can sleep some time in-between.  The camping, vacations or relief trips abroad, times at the park/ymca, and just goofing off with friends, new or old, brings relief to my soul.  Thanks be to God for blessing me with the life that I have.  Just nine more months!!!  :)

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