Monday, April 20, 2015

Just One Page

Approximately ten years ago I went to a conference in Indianapolis where the speaker, Fred Craddock, spoke on the principle of writing "one page."  I remember sitting in that cushioned but uncomfortable chair in a crowded room at that session thinking of the value of writing "one page" stories.  With the completion of school coming in a few weeks that will add a little extra time, I thought that this was the best time as ever to start recording these one pagers.  

Most of the time when a memorable story or principle is experienced or surfaces in one's life it can be a teachable moment.  Craddock expressed the importance of recording these moments in just "one page" in order to recall them later.  These moments can be recalled for teaching, preaching, counseling, writing or any other instructional value to illustrate a point.  Of course, ethical standards and respect toward others involved in the story or example should be considered when appropriate.

Source to Pic of Dr. Fred Craddock
In the last ten years I have failed to consistently record these "one page" stories or principles primarily because I don't hold to a specific plan or system of doing so.  I have now decided to plan on using this blog as my "one page" to collect illustrative stories, resources, and other useful material that I might find insightful to recall later for instructional purposes.  The great thing about collecting stories and other material is that the same illustration can be used with a variety of clients, parishioners, or readers to emphasize a multitude of principles.  Craddock said, "A different condition calls for a reshaping of the story that will address appropriately the new condition; you have to put the grease where the squeak is."

I have been writing these blogs sporadically the last couple years, but my goal is to write a blog each week.  Feel free to read, ignore, or interact at your leisure.  


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