Monday, April 13, 2015

Troubleshooting Your Thoughts: Helpful Self-talk Methods

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Have you been doubting yourself lately or thinking more negative about your current life circumstance?  Using positive self-talk statements WILL NOT CHANGE YOUR CIRCUMSTANCE but it can reprogram your mind to look at a situation different.  Think about your mind like a computer:

     - Self talk is in our subconscious mind.  It is the thoughts that automatically appears in our mind without the prefrontal cortex filtering or rationalizing the thought.  It is the racing chatter in the mind before going to sleep at night or the self-talk going on about jobs, friends/family, upcoming projects, or situations throughout the day.
     -The subconscious mind is programmed similar to a computer.  Just like a computer, our mind will only perform the way  it is programmed.
     - When you insert programs into a computer, you are telling the computer how to respond.  This is like our mind.  When we input information into our mind there is a psychological and a physiological response (stomach tighten, sweating, sighing, muscle tension, fist clinching, etc.). 
     - The subconscious mind does not hold any preconceived ideas or beliefs that has not already been downloaded. 
     - The brain takes in all uncensored information, whether it is true or false/right or wrong.
   - The downloaded material that the brain accepts from pictures, statements, feelings, thoughts inserts into the subconscious mind.

Always/Never thoughts can be unhealthy.  A person's circumstance should not be filtered in the prefrontal cortex by extreme (always/never) thinking.  These thoughts produce a mind that will struggle to look at different perspectives and solutions when troubleshooting problems in your life.
  • I'm not good at anything or (insert current issue) VS. I can handle this.
  • Nothing ever goes the way I intend VS. I'm making some progress.
  • Why should I try to do this?  VS. I'm willing to try.
  • I can't get this done on time. VS. I am in control of this situation.
  • I've tried, I can't, I wont succeed. VS. I am good at or I can do this.
  • What is wrong with me? VS. I have a fantastic ... job/friends/skills
  • It's just not my day.  VS. I'll keep trying.
  • I'm so frustrated. VS. I'll eventually get it with will power.
Programming these positive thoughts into your mind wont change your circumstance but it may give you a different perspective and the will power to try again, work harder, avoid giving up, and make progress so that you find success.   

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